The Jarboe Foundation's 12th Annual


Nominations have been closed as of the evening of 11/15/2024 to prepare for all of your requests

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of friends, family, reflection, gratitude, and of course great food. This meal, which a lot of us expect as a normal part of the holiday season, is a luxury that some families simply cannot afford. 

For the 9th year, the goal of The Jarboe Foundation's 2024 Thanksgiving Project is to provide struggling Worcester area families with the holiday experience everyone deserves. There are many people in our community that need help but will never ask for it. We are asking for you to help by purchasing a single or multiple family package that will do directly to providing hand-delivered, complete, and ready-to-be-prepared Thanksgiving meals.

The meal you provide is not meant to last only one day. It will also give hope and encouragement to these families and let them know that their community is happy and willing to help. Included in each package are resources to encourage the family to take action to improve their situation and pay it forward in the future.

How can you help?

  • Purchase a Thanksgiving meal package for a local family now!

  • Donate your time!

  • Nominate a family we could help!

NOTE: For organization and planning purposes we are asking for package purchases and general donations as opposed to food donations. We will use your contribution to purchase the correct amount of food items in bulk. Thank you!


Senior Connection

Worcester, MA | | | 508.852.5539

Woodmeister Master Builders | Office 800.221.0075

Table Talk Pies - thank you for your donation!

153 Green St., Worcester, MA 01610 | 508.798.8811 |

Jared Bielunis | Matthew Moeck

Paula Bouchard - Ron Bouchard’s Auto Sales

Priya & Niranj | Ainsley Watt | Ryan Wittig - Kinvarra Capital

Kevin & Tracy Greene | Matt Eaton | John Naughton - Harbor One Mortgage

Shaun Beauregard - Comparion Insurance Company - A Liberty Mutual Company | Elizabeth Keusch

Thank you to our generous donors and volunteers!